Colombia in 2003

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Case Details:

Case Code : ECOA106
Case Length : 15 Pages
Period : 2003
Organization : -
Pub Date : 2003
Teaching Note :Not Available
Countries : Colombia, Latin America
Industry : -

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This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.

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Excerpts Contd...

Background Note

In 2001, Colombia's merchandise exports (customs basis) amounted to $12.8 billion and merchandise imports (freight-on-board basis) added up to $12.3 billion. Colombia's natural markets were the Andean countries, Central America and the United States. During the first 11 months of 2002, the value of exports (customs basis) was about $11 billion, roughly 4% lower than in the corresponding period of 2001. The value of imports (cif basis) reached $11.7 billion, implying a 1.6% fall over the year. The current-account deficit was $1.8 billion, or 2.1% of GDP, in 2001...

Economics | Case Study in Management, Operations, Strategies, Business Strategy, Case Studies

Future Outlook

Economists felt the key to faster growth for Colombia, lay in a recovery of private investment, which was picking up only slowly after its collapse in 1999. A combination of factors had slowed down investment growth - credit shortage, firms struggling to clean up their balance sheets and heavy borrowing by companies before the crash. Colombia's fiscal deficit had been climbing in recent times...


Exhibit I: Colombia at a Glance

Exhibit II: Colombia: Salient Economic Data

Exhibit III: Comparative Economic Indicators, 2001

Exhibit IV: Colombia: Foreign Trade

Exhibit V: Colombia: Coffee Industry

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